City of Saint Paul Property Tax Estimator

The 2022 proposed budget includes a 6.9% increase in the property tax levy. Changes in your property's market value and changes in the City's tax levy, among other factors, will impact what you pay in taxes next year. The City of Saint Paul has created a property tax estimator to allow residents to understand estimated changes in their property taxes from year to year. Use this tool to see how changes in the City budget may impact your property taxes.

Please visit the Minnesota Department of Revenue for information about property tax refunds.

Comparison of City Taxes

Payable 2021 Payable 2022 – Proposed Change from 2021
Market Value
City Tax

Where do my taxes go?

This pie chart shows the breakdown of a City tax bill under the 2022 proposed budget.

2022 Department Spending as Percent of Property Tax Levy

Property taxes are used for general City and Library operations and to pay City debt. City departments also receive funding from other sources budgeted in special funds. These special funds are used for designated or restricted purposes.

Department 2021 Percent of Property Tax Levy 2022 Percent of Property Tax Levy
Police 27.6% 26.4%
Fire 18.0% 17.9%
General Government * 13.8% 15.7%
Parks and Recreation 11.2% 11.3%
Debt 10.4% 10.4%
Public Works 7.6% 6.7%
Safety and Inspection 5.3% 5.5%
Libraries 4.8% 4.8%
Port Authority (City Levy) 1.3% 1.3%

* General Government includes City Council, Mayor's Office, City Attorney's Office, Emergency Management, Office of Financial Services, Human Resources, Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity, Office of Technology and Communication, and Planning and Economic Development. It also includes spending activities that exist across the city but are not necessarily assignable to a specific department.

Last Edited: August 16, 2021