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  4. Regional Development Policies in OECD Countries

OECD Regional Development Studies

Regional development or “place-based” policies are essential to enhance the performance and well-being in all regions. These policies can help reduce regional inequalities, drive efficiencies in public service delivery, support quality infrastructure, boost national performance, enhance resilience and support environmentally sustainable development.

Underpinned by unique granular data at the regional and local levels, the publications in this series consider how regional development is affected by issues such as globalisation, climate change, innovation, digitalisation, demographic change.

These reports and their policy recommendations are relevant to national, regional and local governments, financial institutions, academics, businesses and civil society.


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Regional Development Policies in OECD Countries

Regional Policies in OECD Countries Policy makers need both a handy reference guide to the regional policies of their own and other countries and a broader analysis of trends in regional policies, based on sound, comparable information. responds to this need. It is the first systematic, comparative analysis of OECD countries’ regional policies.

The report addresses fundamental regional policy concerns, such as: problem recognition; the objectives of regional policy; the legal/institutional framework; the urban/rural framework; budget structures; and the governance mechanisms linking national and sub-national governments as well as sectors.

It begins with an overview of the regional policy today. This is followed by country profiles covering the 31 OECD members. The profiles share a common conceptual framework, allowing countries to see how their experiences measure up. The report also contains several annexes, which cover some of the countries that are candidates for accession to the OECD or with which the OECD has enhanced engagement. The annexes also cover the key topics of cross-border cooperation and trends in urban-rural linkages, especially efforts to control urban sprawl.

The report will help countries to better understand regional policies and to formulate and diffuse horizontal policy recommendations. The analysis suggests an important role for regional policies in shaping sustainable endogenous development, in particular well-developed governance mechanisms to better respond to the different opportunities and demands of regions and to improve policy efficiency.

This report is a unique source of regional policy information and of special interest to policy makers, researchers, and others engaging with regional development.

28 Sept 2010 384 pages English